Affecting 5% to 20% of women belonging to age group 12- 45 yrs
- Symptoms
- Menstrual irregularity.
- Acne
- Excess hair growth (Hirsutism).
- It may cause difficulty in conceiving.
- Obesity
- According to Ayurveda cause of PCOD is Rasadhatu dushti.
- PCOD is hormonal imbalance in women of reproductive age.
- According to Ayurveda, PCOD is treated by giving various internal medication like Ayurvedic tablet, medicated ghrut such as Kalyanak ghrut,mahapaishachik ghrut, etc.
- Panchakarma :
- Nasya = For stimulating ovulation.
- Basti = Basti of various medicated siddha tail is given for vaat shaman.
- Local application of medicinal drugs on lower abdomen is also helpful.
- Vyayam (exercise) According to prakruti of patient vyayam is advised.